Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Plan

I suck. Forgive me.
Since Franz Ferdinand are on break for a bit, I guarantee you're not missing all that much in terms of news & interviews, but I'll hopefully get everything up-to-date fairly soon.

Here's the (tentative) plan:
Sunday: Photo Update
Monday: Concert Review Update
Tuesday: Video Update
Wednesday: News Update
Thursday: Interview Update
Friday: Everything Else / Tour Date Update / 4 photos of the week (or something like that, I owe you a few)

Yep. We can do this. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in...
Sunday. I'm resolved.


  1. WOOH GO SARAH GO! Ha, you're pretty lucky they are on a break now.

  2. LOL. Good plan. If you need help, just ask Alyssa. :P Nah, just ask me. :D

  3. Well, at least you have a plan. That alone makes everythign better. :D

  4. You can ask me, but I won't be of any help, so you probably should ask Lisa...
