Sunday, September 20, 2009

September Photo Update

Date: Friday, August 28 to Sunday, September 20


Toronto, Ontario - Virgin Festival (Saturday, August 29) / Washington D.C. - Virgin Festival (Sunday, August 30) / Montreal, Quebec (Monday, August 31) / Winnipeg, Manitoba (Wednesday, September 2) / Saskatoon, Saskatchewan (Thursday, September 3) / Edmonton, Alberta - Sonic Boom Festival (Saturday, September 5) / Vancouver, British Columbia (Sunday, September 6) / Seattle, Washington - Bumbershoot Festival (Monday, September 7)



(marked with a * means recommended)

Los Angeles (August 25, 2009)

- Set one: [One] [Two] [Three] [Four] [Five]

- Set two: [See More.]

Palladium (August 27, 2009)

- *Set one: [See More.]

- Set two: [See More.]

- Set three: [See More.]

V-Fest Ontario (August 29, 2009)

- *Set one: [See More.]

- Set two: [See More.]

- Set three: [See More.]

- *Set four: [See More.]

FreeFest, Washington (August 30, 2009)

- Set one: [See More.]

- Set two: [See More.]

- Set three: [See More.]

- Set four: [See More.]

Montreal (August 31, 2009)

- Set one: [See More.]

- Set two: [See More.]

- Set three: [See More.]

- Set four: [See More.]

- *Set five (with review): [See More.]

Sonic Boom Festival, Edmonton (September 5, 2009)

- Set one: [See More.]

- Set two: [See More.]

- Set three: [See More.]

- Set four: [See More.]

- Set five: [See More.]

- Misc: [One] [Two] [Three] [Four*]

Vancouver (September 6, 2009)

- Set one: [See More.]

- Set two: [See More.]

- Set three: [See More.]

- Set four: [See More.]

Bumbershoot (September 7, 2009)

- Set one: [See More.]

- Set two: [See More.]

- Set three: [One] [Two]

- Set four: [See More.]

- Set five: [See More.]

- Miscellaneous: [One] [Two*] [Three] [Four] [Five] [Six]


- From Lyon (2006) [See More.]

- From Roundhouse (July, 2009) [See More.]

- From San Jose (August 18, 2009) [See More.]

- From San Diego (August 20, 2009) [See More.]

- *Parker and Nick in Edmonton (September 5). But mostly just Parker. [See More.]

- Two from earlier this year (May 10, 2009) [See More.]

- Paul got a new tattoo. [See More.]

- Alex had a new twitter profile picture. It's since been changed, but oh. The facial hair. [See More.]

- Another reminder to check out fan pictures on the official site. [See More.]

- Fan art. [See More.]

- Fans are strange, right? [See More.]


Quite the list. So that should keep you busy until tomorrow, when the Concert Review update will (hopefully) go up. Check back for that.


  1. Yay! Thanks for catching up.
    Alex. Lose. The. Stache. You. Ignorant. Fool.


    I think I imploded due to all the Franzness of the pictures. And yay Parker.
    This is a long comment. But thanks again.

  2. Thanks Sarah, sooo many photos. Now the stache can live on. Forever.

  3. Just clicked on the last one... and, er.. Fans are strange...

  4. Yes, fans are strange. *cough*normb*cough*

  5. O_o
    that person seriously got a tattoo of that?!
    Gee, wonder who started it all?

  6. LOL if franz go to mexico this girl will try to have bob get a tattoo of a fucking pretzel.

  7. Parker and a melodica...LIFE COMPLETE!
