Friday, July 31, 2009

Daily Recap: Thursday, July 30, 2009

Date: Thursday, July 30

Paredes de Coura (Portugal)


- Actual things to report today, other than a few measly photos. Wooh. Though still no sacrificed goat in sight. I guess we can't have it all.


- A delayed T in the Park review. [Read More.]

- A write-up/hype-up for Franz Ferdinand playing Virgin Mobile Free Fest later this summer (August 30, I believe). [Read More.]

- Three things you might not know about Franz Ferdinand (actually, you probably do if you're bothering to read this). [Listen Here.]


- None. Thought twitter tells me:

city_weekly: Just got off the phone with Franz Ferdinand guitarist Nick McCarthy--boy does he love to talk! Look for the interview in our issue out 8/15.


- Tsk tsk. Lung cancer. Etc. [Watch It.]

Twitter Updates:

- "Watching the horrors take the crispy ambulance down the autobahn."


- Nick & Alex at Glastonbury. [See More.]

- Alex at Glastonbury. Just, you know... saving the children. [See More.]

- Benicassim (July 19) Photos. [See More.]

- Two photos of Nick & Alex performing at the Musilac Festival. [One] [Two]

- Paredes de Coura (July 30) Photos. [See More.]

- Paredes de Coura write-up and photos (Portugese Source). [Translation.]

- Shameless self promotion! Actually, I took these photos on a trusty disposable camera back in 2006 when Franz swung by Much Music. And here they are. On the interwebs for all to see. [See More.]


- One more European festival (on Saturday) before they're headed over to this side of the Atlantic on an opening stint for Green Day/mini tour. Here's hoping they have better luck than the Kaiser Chiefs whose lead singer apparently broke a rib on their leg of the Green Day tour.

- Bob's neglecting Kyte. What else is new?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Daily Recap: Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Date: Wednesday, July 29

no show today


- Again. A whole lot of nothing beyond a few new photos. Lord, can't one of them sacrifice a goat or something? At least then we'd all have something to be (legitimately) indignant about.


- none


- Nothing since that "how dare he be so insensitive" interview from yesterday... Which sort of kept me amused/writing long replies for part of the day, but seems to have blown over now. Wooh, internet crisis diverted.


- none

Twitter Updates:

- none


- Nick. I think this is Nick at a radio show. Maybe. Yes. The radio station, 'The End' (April, 2009). [See More.]

- Alex performing. How typical. [See More.]

- More of Alex performing. This time at the Volt Festival. [See More.]

- Gurten Festival Photos (July 16). [See More.]

- Paleo Festival Photos (July 22) [See More.]


- Someone did a write-up pitting Franz Ferdinand against the Arctic Monkeys. You could read the whole thing, or I can just tell you who won, according to the author... Not Franz. Boo. But the Arctic Monkeys' new cd has gone all leaky leak, so you can attempt the comparison yourself should you be so willing. [Read More.]

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Daily Recap: Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Date: Tuesday, July 28

no show today


- Some interviews and photos, but other than that, all's quiet on the western front. Or the Franz Ferdinand front, I guess.


- None


- An interview with Alex & Paul & the idea of a clothing line at Gurten Festival (Thursday, July 16). [Watch It.]

- A German interview with Alex Kapranos here. [German Source.] [Google Translate.]

A few people seem to be raising concerns over this on ffg. Now, I don't really get it (largely the anger over it seem to be against his comments toward Michael Jackson's death, meaningless sex, and Bob/Nick/Paul not being considered his 'friends'), but I've posted my thoughts on people's concerns over there. If you want to read these complaints, have your say, or read a better translation of the article, discussion starts here and goes on for a few pages - [Read More.]

- Credit to Franzypants on ffg for these two picture scans: [One] [Two]


- None

Twitter Updates:

- None


- Posted this before, but more photos from Benicassim (Saturday, July 19) have been added. [See More.]

- More from Benicassim. [See More.]

- Two from T In The Park. [One] [Two]


- There has been some amazing fan art. Now this is old (2006), but has remained pretty much amazing. [See More.]

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Daily Recap: Monday, July 27, 2009

Date: Monday, July 27

no show today


- A whole lot of nothing. Some photos, some 'if-only-I-knew-Spanish'.


- None.


- None.


- Interview with Alex and a performance of Ulysses from Benicassim. The interview is dubbed in Spanish, so just pretend you understand. Fast forward to 27:30 (thanks to ootsider on ffg for the link). [Watch it.]

Twitter Updates:

- None.


- Alex at Benicassim (Saturday, July 19). Being all Alex-like. [See More.]

- Franz Ferdinand performing at the Paleo festival (Wednesday, July 22). [See More.]

- More from Paleo. [See More.]

- Paleo. Again. [See More.]


- A pretty piece of Alex fan art from winter_tale on livejournal. [See More.]

Monday, July 27, 2009

Weekend Recap: Saturday, July 25 & Sunday, July 26, 2009

Date: Saturday, July 25 & Sunday, July 26
Fuji Rock Festival (Japan) - Saturday

- For a weekend roundup, there definitely isn't a lot to report. Largely there are links to some photos, both old and new.
- They've only got one two shows this coming week, so it might be a slow one.
- Feedback! Please!

- None

- None

- In the theme of Japan, an older 'greeting' from Japan (with Alex & Paul) that you may have missed. This was closer to the time when Tonight was released. [Watch It.]

Twitter Updates:
- The backstage here is exactly like yorkhill children's hospital. Hard to believe 50,000 japanese nutters are out there waiting.
- Leaving japan. Fuji does indeed rock. We met chuck d last night. Man is a legend!

- One photo of Alex meeting some sort of green thing. [See More.]
- Photos from July 8 (Hultsfredsfestivalen). [See More.]
- Photos from July 14 (Rock In Roma). [See More.]
- Photos from July 16 (Gurten Festival, Switzerland). [See More.]
- Photos from July 25 (Fuji Rock Festival, Japan). [See More.]
- A few photos of Alex raiding clothes. Or something. [See More.]

This Week:
- Thursday, July 30 - Paredes de Coura, Portugal
- Saturday, August 1 - Energy In The Park, Munich*
- Strange; Franz were initially schedule to be on 'The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson' at the end of the week, but this is now off of the schedule. Either they decided against the repeat (since the timing definitely didn't work out for a new performance), or they made a mistake in leaking it. I've got a hunch they might be playing it August 26 (as opposed to July 26/30/31/etc.) - especially since they've got that day off in the L.A. area. I'll keep you updated.

*updated (thanks to This Girl/Laura on ffg for the heads up, as this show is missing on their web site/myspace)

- I've already been doing this for over a week? Colour me impressed. But really, I want to know what you guys think. What do you want to see more of/less of? What do you like/dislike? Suggestions or anything would be much appreciated. I was thinking of maybe starting a 'picture of the week', but that's about as far as I've gotten... If you have any ideas/criticisms/statements, please feel free to leave them in the comments or email

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Daily Recap: Friday, July 24, 2009

Date: Friday, July 24
no show today

- Bliss. Mingled with confusion. Mixed with: "HOLYCRAPLOLOLOL".
- Not much... But you know what the greatest invention of the decade now is? Twitter. And Paul. Paul wins for tweeting what we all know Bob is writing in his diary thinking.

- Benicassim Review [Read More.]

- None

- New Kyte video from Nimes of No You Girls. This is the 11th time Bob has uploaded NYG. If we can say one thing... he's consistent (he's also consistent in avoiding us like the plague).

Twitter Updates
I think I combusted. I actually think I fell asleep, somehow internally combusted, and am now just imaging all of this. Anyway. Enough about me and my internal heat problems...

"He's too shy to say so but Tokyo please, Bob NEEDS more pretzels."
This should be international 'kyte, I love you' day. /disbelief. If you're on kyte, you probably know why this is amazing. If you're not - you should a) be on kyte and b) you're going to be lost. We're sorry Bob. But really, we aren't.
Sumi deserves a lot of the credit. So yay for Sumi.
This is Bob. Receiving his first (but hopefully not last) Japanese pretzels.
(credit to Sumi for the photo)
And in other, less pretzel-orientated tweets...
- Listening to Optiganally Yours. A record created entirely with Optigan (

- Photos from Paleo Festival [See More.]
- Photos from Main Square Festival [See More.]
- Couplandesque from lj did a lovely drawing of Franz Ferdinand, as they appeared at the NME Awards. Let us bask in it. [See More.]
- Alex & Nick performing an acoustic set (thanks to scotchqueen on ffg for these). [One] [Two]
- Photos from Sumi and her Tokyo quest to BRING BOB PRETZELS. [See More.]

- Honestly, how many Japanese fans brought Bob pretzels? I'd really like to know... And, do I really need to say anything more than:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Daily Recap: Thursday, July 23, 2009

Date: Thursday, July 23
no show today

- Big news. The fourth single from Tonight is... well, you'll have to keep reading
- Lots of stuff coming in today from the Paleo Festival - interviews, videos and photos galore

- Paleo Festival review (source). [French Translation]

- Interview with Alex & Nick at the Paleo festival in Switzerland. They talk about a Japanese Bob fan. Heh. (source) [Download]
- Old interview with Nick and Bob (when Tonight was released), but amusing in a "who thought this was a good idea?" sort of way. [Watch It.]
- An interview with Paul about Franz performing at Fuji Rock in Japan. This must have been the interview he was tweeting about (where he said "prepare to be misunderstood"). Looks like the interviewer knew their English though, since it's a fairly well written piece. [Read More.]
- Interview with Alex at Nimes. [Watch It.]
- Interview with Alex at the Garden Nef party. He mentions the original No You Girls video. Seems he hates it as much as everyone else does (source) [Download]

- A short clip of Ulysses and an interview with Alex & Bob at Paleo. I don't know what he's saying as I'm a bad Canadian that can't speak French. If anyone wants to translate, please do so in the comments. Also. Oh lord, Alex's shirt. Well worth watching... just for the shirt. [Watch It.]

Twitter Updates
- Tokyo. Trying to breakaway the centre of a pretzel while maintaining the peripheral structure.
(Yes. They tweeted about pretzels. I knew Bob's wikipedia page wasn't lying.)

- Via twitter, Alex & Nick with fan(s) [One] [Two]
- A photo from Paleo Festival in Switzerland (source) [See More.]
- Another from Paleo (source) [See More.]
- Photos from Benicassim (found on the 'Your Pictures' section of [See More.]
- One of Nick & Paul [See More.]
- Alex performing back on July 8, 2009 [See More.]
- Set from Nimes (Tuesday, July 21, 2009) [See More.]
- Paleo festival [See More.]
- More from Paleo [One] [Two] [Three]
- And a few more from Paleo [See More.]

Just announced - the fourth single from Tonight will be...
[dramatic pause]:

Due out August 31, 2009.

Side A.
01. Drums of Death Remix
02. Tigerstyle Remix
Side B.
01. Lee Mortimer Vocal Remix
02. Lee Mortimer Dub

I'm a little bummed that there are still no new b-sides, only remixes. But it's a definite solid choice for a single - assuming it is a single, and not some random four-track remix album (and plus it's fantastic live).

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Daily Recap: Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Date: Wednesday, July 22
Plaeo Festival, Switzerland

- Not much to report. At all... Some photos. Mostly old.

- None

- None

- A new video is up on their Kyte player. It's an epic 15 minute long Lucid Dreams from Benicassim. Thanks Bob.

Twitter Updates
- None

- Cardiff (2008) [See More.]
- Southampton Guildhall (March 2009) [See More.]
- Coachella (April 17) [See More.]
- Rome (July 14) [See More.]
- Someone from the band "The Doups" with Alex. [See More.]

- Slow day

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Daily Recap: Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Date: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 (with a little Wednesday news thrown in for good measure)
Nimes Festival, France

- I apologize that the Tuesday update is a little late. Oh well. It still got here, right?
- Three short videos, a smattering of photos, a pretty new shirt, and Japan! Getting closer to Australia, I see...

- A T In The Park review. [Read More.]
- A Benicassim review (source). [Read Translation.]

- None.

- Three short clips of Alex and Nick performing an acoustic set on the 'Singstar Ship' at Benicassim. [One] [Two] [Three]

Twitter Updates
- : Back in Japan in November 09 -
- This isn't from them, but it made me laugh:
"I bought a scanner off of eBay from Alex Kapranos' granddad. #lameclaimstofame" (source)
- This is just to note that I won't be posting updates from their individual twitter accounts. Two of them are easy enough to find and read if you're curious, one of them is locked, and one of them seems non-existent, but it just seems weird to post them here. So I'll leave you to it.

- One of Alex, performing at Glastonbury. [See More.]
- Two photos of Nick & Alex, with a fan, found via Twitter. [One] [Two]
- Benicassim photos. [See More.]
- More Benicassim photos. [See More.]
- Two from Rock Werchter. [One] [Two]

Tour Dates
- Just announced is an upcoming tour of Japan in November. Tickets go on sale August 22 (source). Dates:
Monday, November 9 - Tokyo
Wednesday, November 11 - Nagoya
Thursday, November 12 - Osaka
They'll be in Japan this Saturday (July 25) as well, taking part in the Fuji Rock Festival.

- New shirt in the Franz Ferdinand web store. [View Image.] And just in case you were wondering, I am not opposed to anyone volunteering to buy this for me.

Check back later for Wednesday's update.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Daily Recap: Monday, July 20, 2009

Date: Monday, July 20
No show today.

- Not a whole lot was happening today. A couple of video interviews and a few photos from T In The Park.

- Thanks to Brösmeli from ffg for this bit of news from Swiss newspaper, 20Minuten:
Gurtenfestival behind the scenes: Franz Ferdinand chilled already hours before their concert in the backstage area. They played table football, wrote postcards to their loved ones and claimed to use a special service of the festival: The launderette. They were equal to times their entire summer wardrobe cleaned. After their gig the band celebrated the birthday of their sound engineer - with an impressive cake shaped like a mixing desk.

- iTunes Interview with Alex and Paul as they empty out their pockets [
- An interview with Alex and Nick at Benicassim. I wasn't able to get it to work from the website, but maybe you'll have better luck. [
Watch It.]

- Oh. Dear. Lord. [
Watch It.] (I think Bob would be the purple one)

Twitter Updates:
- None

- T In The Park photos. [
See More.]
- More (of Alex) from T In The Park (click next as there are four photos). [See More.]

- In semi-related news, Super Furry Animals played a concert recently. For those of you in the dark, Nick is featured on one of their songs, assisting on 'Inaugural Trams' (
download) with a German rap. While Nick was unable to perform with SFA at the concert, during the performance of the song, singer Gruff Rhys held up a photo of Nick as the pre-recorded part played. Sort of funny. Sort of irrelevant. Eh. It was a slow day (source). [Watch It.]

Monday, July 20, 2009

Weekend Recap: Saturday, July 18 & Sunday, July 19, 2009

Date: Saturday, July 18 & Sunday, July 19

Benicassim Festival (Spain) - Saturday


- So it’s the weekend. So you only get one update. But it’s quite the big update.

- Holy crap that’s a lot of photos. What we got in photo uploads, we lost in the lack of Twitter updates. What? Cell phone fell in a lake?

- Some interesting interviews and videos have popped up. Yay media.


- NME talks about Benicassim. The people in the comments seem to be full of pre-pubescent anger. Cool. [Read More.]


- An older interview with Nick and Paul, done prior to the release of Tonight (source) [Download.]

- An interview with Bob and Paul at T In The Park. Paul plays drums on the iPhone. Bob makes an excuse about not wanting to humanly emote. All is right with the world. (Scroll down to ‘Boogie and Dingo chat to Franz Ferdinand’) [Listen To It.]

- Another (older) interview, done with Alex. If you know Swedish, here’s the original (source). Otherwise, it’s the google translation from the original Swedish text. It also comes with two pretty pictures. [Read More.]


- Benicassim interview with Nick & Bob. [Watch It.]

- A reworking of The Beatles and 'Come Together, done for Greenpeace. Watch for the Alex cameo at 2:07. [Watch It.]

- Paul at the Gurtenfestival. Oh Paul. [Watch It.]

- Alex at Benicassim (0:40). Okay there Alex? [Watch It.]

- More from Benicassim (DYWT and This Fire). Again I ask, okay there Alex? (This video doesn't like being linked to, so to watch it, copy and paste this url into a browser:

- Bob uploaded a new video on Kyte (What She Came For). This was from Friday's performance in France. [Kyte.]

Twitter Updates:

- None! Neglect.


- A big thank you to skittery for these photos of Nick and Alex. They were taken outside the May 2009 gig in Providence, Rhode Island. [One] [Two] [Three] [Four]

- Benicassim photos. [See More.]

- So much pretty. Benicassim photos. [See More.]

- More Benicassim photos (we’re just swimming in them) (source) [See More.]

- Even more from Benicassim. [See More.]

- Two other photos (source) [One] [Two]

- Old, but pretty (the photos, not the subjects...) [See More.]

- More old. [See More.]

- An old photoshoot (still full of pretty) [See More.]

This Week:

- Tuesday, July 21 - Nimes Festival, France

- Wednesday, July 22 - Plaeo Festival, Switzerland

- Saturday, July 25 - Fuji Rock Festival, Japan


- An interesting mash-up featuring Franz Ferdinand and The Beastie Boys. Actually, I sort of like it... Thought/opinions/etc? [Listen To It.]

- Remember. Bob Hardy wants pretzels. Bring them to him. And as my public service announcement of the week/month/year - web chat please.