Saturday, July 25, 2009

Daily Recap: Friday, July 24, 2009

Date: Friday, July 24
no show today

- Bliss. Mingled with confusion. Mixed with: "HOLYCRAPLOLOLOL".
- Not much... But you know what the greatest invention of the decade now is? Twitter. And Paul. Paul wins for tweeting what we all know Bob is writing in his diary thinking.

- Benicassim Review [Read More.]

- None

- New Kyte video from Nimes of No You Girls. This is the 11th time Bob has uploaded NYG. If we can say one thing... he's consistent (he's also consistent in avoiding us like the plague).

Twitter Updates
I think I combusted. I actually think I fell asleep, somehow internally combusted, and am now just imaging all of this. Anyway. Enough about me and my internal heat problems...

"He's too shy to say so but Tokyo please, Bob NEEDS more pretzels."
This should be international 'kyte, I love you' day. /disbelief. If you're on kyte, you probably know why this is amazing. If you're not - you should a) be on kyte and b) you're going to be lost. We're sorry Bob. But really, we aren't.
Sumi deserves a lot of the credit. So yay for Sumi.
This is Bob. Receiving his first (but hopefully not last) Japanese pretzels.
(credit to Sumi for the photo)
And in other, less pretzel-orientated tweets...
- Listening to Optiganally Yours. A record created entirely with Optigan (

- Photos from Paleo Festival [See More.]
- Photos from Main Square Festival [See More.]
- Couplandesque from lj did a lovely drawing of Franz Ferdinand, as they appeared at the NME Awards. Let us bask in it. [See More.]
- Alex & Nick performing an acoustic set (thanks to scotchqueen on ffg for these). [One] [Two]
- Photos from Sumi and her Tokyo quest to BRING BOB PRETZELS. [See More.]

- Honestly, how many Japanese fans brought Bob pretzels? I'd really like to know... And, do I really need to say anything more than:

1 comment:

  1. HAHA, omg. I am ridiculously happy about the whole pretzel thing. Well, you know what this means... jumbo pretzel bag for Bob in Montreal. Oh, and Paul wins at life.... end of.
