Friday, August 28, 2009

Recap Dump! (Sat Aug 22, Sun Aug 23, Mon Aug 24, Tues Aug 25, Wed Aug 26, Thurs Aug 27)

Date: Saturday, August 22 / Sunday, August 23 / Monday, August 24 / Tuesday, August 25 / Wednesday, August 26 & Thursday, August 27

Phoenix, Arizona (Saturday) / Sacramento, California (Sunday) / Los Angeles, California (Tuesday) / Conan O'Brien (Wednesday) / Los Angeles, California (Thursday)


- Quick! Someone get Alex Kapranos a barber! ... I mean, oh. Hey Conan appearance and What She Came For!

- Sorry for being negligent. There's lots to catch up on; but if I've missed anything, please email me at


- Lots. But it's scattered throughout this mess of an update, so read on!


- Interviews with Alex! [One] [Two]

- Interviews with Bob! [One] [Two]

- Interviews with Paul! [One] [Two]

- ... Nick fails.


- Alex on the phone. [Watch More.]

- Alex talking about swimming in a sea of shit (not literally, ick). [Watch More.]

- Acoustics (not sure from when). [Ulysses] [No You Girls] [Walk Away]

- Fan recordings (August 24). [Watch More.]

- Green Day prank on their final opening night (August 25). [One] [Two]

- Conan (August 26). If you're in the states, you can watch it [Here]. Otherwise you can watch it [Here]. And you can read the internet discussion [Here].

- Acoustic performances on 98.7 (August 27). [Take Me Out] [Not Playing Womanizer]

You can also watch a bit of [Ulysses] (but check back Monday for the full performance).

- This is old (from 2005), but here's DYWT back when Andy was around. [Watch More.]

Twitter Updates:

- None!


- Energy In The Park (August 1) [See More.]

- Houston, Texas (August 8) - Start here and keep clicking. [See More.]

- Las Vegas (August 21) [One] [Two] [Three]

- Phoenix, Arizona (August 22) - Start here and keep clicking. [See More.]

- Sacramento, California (August 24) [One] [Two]

- August 24 & August 25 (unfortunately watermarked). [See More.] You can also go [Here] to see some of them.

- Los Angeles, California (August 25). [One] [Two] [Three]

- In studio, 98.7 (August 27). [One] [Two]

- Bob and some fans. [See More.]

Picture Of The Week:

This weeks picture was chosen by those crazy Kyte kids. So if you don't like it, blame them... Though I guess it is fitting since it was taken in L.A. (if I recall correctly) the last time Franz were there, and hey look! They just spent the past few days there. What a coincidence. Sure, let's go with that.

Click Here For Big!


- Opening for Franz in Montreal is a band called 'Think About Life'. Check out their myspace here.

- Two photos of (new?) shirts that are being sold at the merch tables. I like them. Lots. Thanks to emmy for the photos! [One] [Two]

- Sorry to bring the bad news but Pitchfork is no longer showing 'Tour De Franz' on their website. Oh well. You should own it by now anyway.

- Old, but this is what my google searches bring me. And I can't help but laugh. People are silly. Read it here.

- I'm not sure, but something about Alex being on the radio...? Here.

- Band of the week over on this blog.

- Also, does anyone know what's up with the Franz Ferdinand-McDonalds ads? I haven't seen any (but that's probably because I'm in Canada), but apparently they're hella annoying.

- If you ever want to take photos of Franz live... Read about it here.

- And I'm just going to guess that they should take this as a compliment.


- Two more shows to round-out a busy week! August 29th Franz Ferdinand will be in Toronto (yay!) for Virgin Festival, and on August 30th they'll be in Washington D.C. for Virgin Freefest. After that they're headed out for a week to do four solo dates in Canada and two festivals (one in Edmonton and one in Seattle).

Monday, August 24, 2009

This Week

I'm sorry! I've been hectic with life in general and due to me going out of town, I'm afraid the next update isn't going to be until late Wednesday (but I suspect it'll be a rather large update with a weekend recap and three daily recaps combined).

Franz Ferdinand are keeping busy as well, and for now, here's the upcoming shows for the week.

Monday, August 24 - Sacramento, California (Green Day Support)
Tuesday, August 25 - Los Angeles, California (Green Day Support)
Wednesday, August 26 - The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (television appearance)
Thursday, August 27 - Los Angeles, California
Saturday, August 29 - Toronto, Ontario (Virgin Festival)
Sunday, August 30 - Washington D.C. (Virgin Freefest)

Sorry again! Check back Wednesday if you please (and don't forget to watch Conan!).

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Daily Recap: Thursday, August 20 & Friday, August 21, 2009

Date: Thursday, August 20 & Friday, August 21

San Diego, California (Thursday) & Las Vegas, Nevada (Friday)


- Not much. Again. If only Alex would get fake boobs. That'd be something worth reporting on.


- According to Pitchfork's list of the 500 best songs of the 2000s, Franz Ferdinand's 'Take Me Out' is the 44th best song of the decade... I think it should have been at least 43 spots higher.


- None


- A video clip of them opening for Green Day on August 18 in San Jose. I can't help but laugh when people call it "Know You Girls". Really, what do you want to know? [Watch More.]

- Here's clips from an MTV Brazil special done on Franz. It's basically a compilation of interviews/performances/clips. My favourite is Part Three, at the 6:58 mark. Because it's true. [Part One] [Part Two] [Part Three]

Twitter Updates:

- None


- Everybody say: "Heyyyy Alex!" [See More.]

- Alex and Nick at a radio performance (fm 94.9 on Thursday, August 19). [One] [Two]

- Alex fan photo from Las Vegas (August 21). [See More.]


- None

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Daily Recap: Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Date: Wednesday, August 19

No show today


- Some photos, a performance video for the hell of it, a review, an appearance, and fan art! And hey! I now have like... eight readers! Good work team!


- Franz Ferdinand are going to be doing a radio live session tomorrow (Thursday) in San Diego for fm949. It's supposed to start at around 3:00 p.m. PST (... you can convert that yourself). I'm not sure if it's going to be broadcast live, but there should be video footage of it up later. If you want to try and listen to it, the website is [here].

- A concert review of Franz opening for Green Day in San Jose (August 18). And hey! It's just of Franz. A reviewer after my own heart. It's just a shame that they were too lazy to google the names of everyone that isn't Alex. Because you know, 'second guitarist' is all Nick really needs to be called. [Read More.]


- None


- Just because I haven't posted a performance video of them opening for Green Day yet, here's a fairly good fan video of 'Michael'. [Watch It.]

Twitter Updates:

- None


- Fan performance-photos of Franz Ferdinand at Toronto's Kool Haus (May 4)... aka my favourite day in the history of days that have gone by. [See More.]

- More photos from the private San Jose Live105 event (that I linked to yesterday). [See More.]

- Curse you watermarks! Franz performing in San Jose (August 18). [See More.]

- Franz performing (from a distance) in San Jose. [See More.]

- Thanks to Lisa for bringing this to my attention. It's from a little while, but ... oh Bob. At the Enmore Theatre in Sydney. [See More.]


- I love fan art. [See More.]

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Daily Recap: Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Date: Tuesday, August 18

San Jose, California


- Sorry, not much.


- None


- None


- None

Twitter Updates:

- None


- Photos from a private performance (for 'live 105' - a radio station) with Alex & Nick in San Jose (August 18). [See More.]

- To keep you busy on a slow day - some live fan-photos from March 12, 2009. [See More.]

- Some photos from Columbus, Ohio (May 2). Thank you kindly to Chelsea for passing them on. [See More.]


- If you're in Vancouver/British Columbia: [click here] for your chance to win two tickets to see Franz Ferdinand at the Malkin Bowl on September 6.

- If you've got time to kill, here's a blog post about some of the remixed Franz songs that have been done. [Read More.]

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Daily Recap: Monday, August 17, 2009

Date: Monday, August 17

No show today


- There's not much news, but here we are anyway.


- A semi-scathing mention of Franz's opening set in Denver (August 15). [Read More.]


- None


- None

Twitter Updates:

- None


- One snazzy photo of Alex performing (July 4). [See More.]

- Somebody met Franz in Columbus, Ohio (June 6). Yay photos/let's be collectively jealous from a distance. [See More.]

- A few fan performance photos from Kansas City (August 12). [See More.]


- Nick/Franz fan art! ... It's funny because it's true. [See More.]

Monday, August 17, 2009

Daily/Weekend Recap: Friday, August 14 / Saturday, August 15 & Sunday, August 16

Date: Friday, August 14 / Saturday, August 15 / Sunday, August 16, 2009

Denver, Colorado (Saturday) & Salt Lake City, Utah (Sunday)


- Some reviews (mostly by fans), some photos (also mostly by fans), a radio/video/print interview, a couple of updates on twitter, blog posts, Bob being irresponsible, Bob getting old, and hey! A picture of the week.


- A review of Green Day/Franz from Salt Lake City (August 15). Even if they don't know the right name of 'No You Girls'... we can let that slide, right? [Read More.]

- Another fan review from Denver, Colorado (August 15)... looks like they might sell a couple more cds after all. [Read More.]

- A fan account of the Green Day/Franz show in San Antonio, Texas (August 9). It should be the third post down. [Read More.]

- A review of the 'What She Came For' remix ep. You can also download samples of the remixed tracks if you're interested. [Read More.]


- An Energy In The Park (August 1) interview with Nick and Bob. Magic girls are best girls. [Watch More.]

- An interview with Mr. Hardy. [Read More.]

- A recent (August 12) radio interview at 96.5 The Buzz with Alex and Paul. [Listen Here.]


- Franz Ferdinand & the Green Party? ... Well, not really, but the background song threw me. [Watch More.]

Twitter Updates:

- Tonight Matthew, Gary Jarman was Bob Hardy. And a fine job he did of it too.

- Tre Cool's been trying to freak us out by letting off pyro during our set. Damn those things are loud!


- A photo of Alex and a fan. And not like a wind propellor. But someone should photoshop that. Alex and his house of fans. His fan emporium, if you will. [See More.]

- A photo of Franz performing in Kansas City (August 12). [See More.]

- Back in June (the 22nd to be exact). A photo of their performance. [See More.]

- Fan photos of fake-Bob performing with Franz in Denver (August 15). [See More.]

- Another fan photo of fake-Bob performing. He looks real. Smells real... but no. It's not Bob (apparently Mr. Hardy watched the show via iChat. Isn't technology wonderful?) [See More.]

- Aw Nick (via the official website, 'Your Pictures' section). [See More.]

- Hey, look at the fancy amp. How fancy. [See More.]

- Via the blog, two photos from Nick that are on the questionable side of 'appropriate'. [One] [Two]


- Hey Bob! You ditched the band to go to a wedding in Perth. A wedding you 'FORGOT' you had to go to. The weekend of your birthday... How convenient. On Sunday, August 16 Mr. Hardy turned 29. Happy birthday Bob!

- Nick and Paul both have new blogs up. Nick's is entitled 'Racing' and I've posted the links to the two photos in the appropriate section (true story, the original title for Nick's photo was called 'The Pony1' but it's been changed now). Paul's is entitled 'Curiouser and curiouser' and it's about an interview he supposedly 'did', but didn't actually 'do'.

- Supposedly their set length for Green Day is a whopping 24 minutes... Haven't they performed a version of Lucid Dreams that's been longer?

Picture Of The Week:

- So I took this picture from some trashy Scottish tabloid that was talking about Bob's wedding ditch. Really, the best part of the article was this picture. Which I'd never seen before. So I'm assuming you haven't either. So here it is. The picture of the week. Looking all serious and stuff.

Click here for (sort of) big!

This Week:

Six more shows with Green Day before heading off to do a few North American festivals/some solo Canadian dates. Yay.

- Tuesday, August 18 - San Jose, California (Green Day Support)

- Thursday, August 20 - San Diego, California (Green Day Support)

- Friday, August 21 - Las Vegas, Nevada (Green Day Support)

- Saturday, August 22 - Phoenix, Arizona (Green Day Support)

Friday, August 14, 2009


Just a quick update to say:


"That's right....for Cribs fans in the USA, look out for Gary at the Denver Pepsi Center (saturday 15th) and the Salt Lake City Energy Solutions Arena (sunday 16th) as he will be filling Bob Hardy's position on bass guitar for Franz Ferdinand on tour with Green Day.
No practice, no sound check, no worries - just winging it in front of 20,000 people. Sweet."


You can read more about Gary Jarman joining Franz for the two dates:

I'm not too sure where Bob Hardy has gone off to (especially considering the fact it's his birthday on the 16th)/what's up, but we'll hope for all the best/news. It's a little disconcerting that last night Paul tweeted 'Bob is so dead to me', but we probably shouldn't read too much into that... Right? Right.

"Franz Ferdinand's spokesperson told NME.COM that Hardy was missing the gigs because they clash with a wedding he is set to attend." (source)

Daily Recap: Thursday, August 13, 2009

Date: Thursday, August 13

Omaha, Nebraska


- Not much news since most of Thursday's would-be recap ended up tacked onto the massive three day roundup from Monday - Wednesday. Oh well. My bad.


- Vote for Franz to win the MTV Brazil aware for 'Best International Artist' ... or something of that nature. To vote, go to the site ; click the photo of them ; a code should appear underneath ; enter the code ; click confirm ; the end. I believe you can vote multiple times if you keep visiting the link. [Vote Here!]


- An interview with Paul, talking about touring with Green Day. Seems to be a popular subject now days. [Read More.]


- None

Twitter Updates:

- None


- None


- Annie on working with Alex Kapranos. [Read More.]

- Nick blogged about the baseball game video I already linked to. The entry is entitled "My very first baseball game." Maybe the next blog entry by him will be along the lines of "Learning how to ride a bike" or "My very first day of school". Regardless, aw Nick

- General consensus (based on twitter/reviews) is that Franz seem to be rocking the Green Day opening slot. Green Day fans do not appear to be following suit. C'est la vie.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Daily Recap: Monday, August 10 / Tuesday, August 11 & Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Date: Monday, August 10 / Tuesday, August 11 / Wednesday, August 12

St. Louis, Missouri (Tuesday), Kansas City, Missouri (Wednesday)


- This first part really isn't a Franz update. It's a: I've been neglectful. I'm sorry! I've got good excuses though. I wasn't home Monday or Tuesday. Monday night I went to go see Friendly Fires do their thing (and they were fantastic, so check them out if you ever get the chance) and Tuesday night I caught Passion Pit... I won't go into detail about the after party, but it was quite a strange night. Quite. Not as strange as last time, but still up there on the strange scale. Then on Wednesday my internet router decided it wanted to be a crackpot. And this brings me to Thursday. Hopefully I'll post another update tonight (though I'm thinking it's going to be pretty empty) and get things back on schedule. My apologies.

- Back on topic: Some reviews of their opening slot with Green Day, a late night appearance in the near future, a couple of interviews, some videos, some photos, and a whole lot of 'other'.


- A review of the Franz Ferdinand/Green Day show from St. Louis (August 11)... Feel free to scroll past the bits about Green Day to get to the good stuff. [Read More.]

- A review of the Franz Ferdinand/Green Day show from Kansas City (August 12). [Read More.]

- Another review (mostly of Green Day) from Kansas City (August 12). [Read More.]

- Franz are set to be in Sao Paulo, Brazil on October 1 for the Video Music Awards (or something of that nature). I'm sure a lot of people have their fingers crossed for some tour dates to be added. [Google Translate.]

- Franz Ferdinand will be appearing on The Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien on August 26, 2009 (source). Yay/totally called this! Now if only they would do The Colbert Report...


- An interview with Alex and Paul (well, Paul's there but he doesn't say all that much) at Hurricane Festival, 2009. [Watch It.]

- An interview with Bob in St. Louis. [Read More.]


- Nick/Nick's chin does baseball. And uses the word y'all. America has changed him man. [Watch It.]

- Watch their full gig from Copenhagen on March 20, 2009. Yay for things being put online. [Watch It.]

- An interview with Alex at Garden Nef Party (July 17). I've posted this interview before, I do believe, but from a different angle. So I guess this is sort of new/shiny. [Watch It.]

Twitter Updates:

- None


- One photo of Franz opening for Green Day on Wednesday in Kansas City. [See More.]

- Small preview photos of Franz Ferdinand & Green Day. Damn you, WireImage! [See More.]

- Rock Werchter (July 4) photos. [See More.]

- Paredes de Coura (July 30) photos. [See More.]


- A blog update by Paul, entitled 'Inna me khaki suit an ting'. Find it (and all of the blog posts) here.

- Annie's second album has a release date of November 17, 2009. Now you might be wondering "Uh, that's relevant because...?" ... Because Mr. Alex Kapranos shows up for two tracks to play guitar. Look out for 'My Love Is Better' and 'Loco' when the album is released (source).

- Something about a sound guy. From Canada. Yay, Canada. [Read More.]

- Virgin Festival Ontario, which Franz are set to play on August 29 has been moved from Barrie to Toronto's Molson Amphitheater... And thank god for that.

- Emily Haines from Metric mentioned in a radio interview that her favourite song for the summer of 2009 is 'Ulysses'. This puts me in a warm, happy place where there are a lot of bunnies and candy and yellow roads and things.

- An interview with Brian Higgins where he talks about why working with Franz on their third album just wasn't meant to be. [Read More.]

- A Chicago charity event, "Rock Star For a Night", where you can go bid on some signed Franz Ferdinand stuff... by which I mean, go support charity. [Details Here.]

- If you're in the United States and between the ages of 16 - 22, you might be able to go backstage at the Virgin Mobile Freefest and record a documentary of the event. Guess who else is going to be there? ... A certain band. So get applying! You have until August 17. [Details Here.]

Monday, August 10, 2009

Weekend Recap: Saturday, August 8 & Sunday, August 9, 2009

Date: Saturday, August 8 & Sunday, August 9

Houston, TX (Saturday) & San Antonio, TX (Sunday)


- Still not that much coming in. I blame Texas.


- None.


- None.


- None.

Twitter Updates:

- All quiet on the twitter front, I left my phone charging in Munich airport last week. Think it'll be fully juiced now.

- Houston, TX. 36 degrees. 30 min set tonight then see what this Green Day bunch are like.

- Driving to San Antonio, TX, you know... they shot some of Ace Ventura 2 there?


- Musilac Festival (July 12) Photos. [See More.]

- I'm on a boat mother f***er! ... I mean. Nick and Alex. Boating. [See More.]

- Apparently security is very anti-fan-camera at the Green Day shows. So, yeah. Not a whole lot of good fan photos surfacing. You can take a look at this, but don't hold your breath.

- Small preview photos of Franz opening for Green Day in Houston, Texas. I know. I wish they were bigger too. [See More.]


- After over a month of no-blog activity Paul posted two blogs - "Swearbox Uploads Number 1" & "Amy Blakemore". Find them over here.

- The (rather short) set-list for their Green Day support appears to be something along the lines of: Matinee ; No You Girls ; DYWT ; What She Came For ; Michael ; Take Me Out ; Ulysses ; This Fire.

- So far, reaction for their opening has been mostly positive (there are always a few nay-sayers). This either means that Franz Ferdinand fans use twitter a lot more than Green Day fans do or that they've been getting the job done.

Picture Of The Week:

In honour of Franz being in Texas, here's Nick. Being Nick. And looking appropriately cowboy like. He's also next to a question mark. Because it's true. We're all asking: "Why Green Day?"

Click here for big!

This Week:

- Tuesday, August 11 - St. Louis, Missouri (Green Day Support)

- Wednesday, August 12 - Kansas City, Missouri (Green Day Support)

- Thursday, August 13 - Omaha, Nebraska (Green Day Support)

- Saturday, August 15 - Denver, Colorado (Green Day Support)

- Sunday, August 16 - Salt Lake City, Utah (Green Day Support)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Daily Recap: Thursday, August 6 & Friday, August 7, 2009

Date: Thursday, August 6 & Friday, August 7

no show today


- Sorry, I know, it's been two days again. But all in all, not a whole lot to update you on. I guess it's the calm before the storm... I hope?


- None


- None


- Lots of video of Franz's performance from the Paleo Festival. [Watch More.]

Twitter Updates:

- None


- Aw shucks. Bob gets to hold a drumstick during 'Outsiders' now. Verena's photos from Energy In The Park (August 1). [See More.]

- One from Benicassim (July 18). [See More.]

- Three from Gurten Festival (July 16). [See More.]

- One from Hultsfred Festival (July 8). [See More.]


- Somebody buy me this and I will give you my firstborn. Or a hug. You probably want the hug. Firstborns are a lot of work (from what I've been told).

- They start touring with Green Day tomorrow. Best of luck Franz! Here's hoping you can knock some sense into some of those Green Day fans.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Daily Recap: Tuesday, August 4 & Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Date: Tuesday, August 4 & Wednesday, August 5

no show today


- Sorry! I know. I missed Tuesday. I have a good excuse though. Three words (well, actually one, repeated three times with an extra 's' on the third): 'Yeah Yeah Yeahs'. They were fantastic, for the record.

- Not much news, a couple of interviews, one very amazing video, an appropriate amount of photos, and heck, even some Andy Knowles thrown in for good measure.


- The only news I can offer you isn't really about Franz... Well. It sort of is. In a 'oh, alright' sort of way. If you remember, Franz did the lovely, ice-cream filled John Varvatos ads. Well, now Varvatos is going with 'ZZ Top'. An interesting progression. I'm still waiting for the non-watermarked photos of them in a boat to show up. Bob likes boats, after all. And pretzels. (This is me trying to stretch out a severely lacking news section, is it working?)


- A video interview with Bob and Nick when they toured the USA (slash-one-date-in-Canada-thank-you-very-much) back in April/May with the Born Ruffians. It's called "Franz Ferdinand and Human Bones." This would be great... If a thousand other journalists hadn't already asked about it (I smell a 'What She Came For pt. 2'). [Watch It.]

- Sometimes, Bob does interviews. In this specific interview, Bob talks about touring with Green Day. Thanks Bob. [Read More.]


- THANK GOD FOR PEOPLE ON THE INTERWEBS. I thought this was going to be lost in the vast, empty internet black hole for good. But it's not, and all thanks to Camilla from ffg.

So really, enjoy this video. Because this just about sums it up:


Twitter Updates:

- None


- Some fan photos from Franz's performance at the Roseland Ballroom in NYC on May 7, 2009. Oh memories... mostly of creeping Parker. Sorry Parker. [See More.]

- Two of Alex from Paredes de Coura (July 30)... Always of Alex. [See More.]

- Some more from Paredes de Coura. [See More.]

- One from Energy In The Park (August 1). Sorry Bob, this is what you get for being on the other side of the stage. [See More.]

- Alex performing at Birmingham Academy (March 8, 2009). In case you haven't noticed, there seems to be a running theme with photographers. It's called: "forget the rest of the band exists". [One] [Two]

- T in the Park Gallery. And hey! Glimpses at other members that aren't the guy with the microphone! (I swear I'm not bitter.) [See More.]

Andrew Knowles Update:

- Andy, drumming for Killa Kella. He sure likes the bands/artists that use alliteration. Unfortunately you'll have to sort through them all. [See More.]

... But if you're extremely lazy (and admit it, you are), here are a few to browse: [One] [Two] [Three] [Four] [Five]


- If you're bored, this user has up all the audio of Franz Ferdinand's set from Paredes de Coura (July 30). So if you've got time to kill (or just really really really want to listen to 'Shopping For Blood'), go crazy. I'll wait. [Listen Here.]

- Win tickets to see Franz in Venice, Italy on December 8, 2009. Assumably you need to be in Venice/have a way of getting there. But if you start walking now, you should be fine. It's in Italian though, so buy a dictionary first. [Enter Here.]