Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Daily Recap: Monday, August 3, 2009

Date: Monday, August 3

no show today


- This is the very definition of a 'slow news day'... but hey! They updated the 'shows' page on the official website. Yay for the Montreal gig now being real.


- You know it's a slow news day when the first news piece I present you with is a review of a show that happened two weeks ago. Here's a Benicassim (July 19) review. The Franz paragraph is brief. Words and stuff. [Read More.]

- So. Since there isn't much to really tell you today, here's a flashback. An article from when their first album came out. How time flies! ... etc, etc. [Read More.]


- None


- None

Twitter Updates:

- None


- A photo gallery from Energy In The Park, Munich (Saturday, August 1) [See More.]

- Here's a picture of Alex. Rocking for peace. Apparently when you click on it you help out the 'cause'. So, click it good. [See More.] * link now fixed since the old photo appears to have been moved


- Supposedly there are actually more than four people reading this now. This gives me warm, happy, fuzzy feelings on the inside. Thanks literate people!


  1. I'm famous now. I assume I was one of those four?

  2. pretty sure the new people are just lisa changing names....
    and just a fyi the last link did not work, course that could just be me since it's well me....

  3. It did work, but it seems to have been removed now or moved.

    And I can assure you, it's not just me with different names. Heaps of people are reading this blog.

  4. Hey Sarah, great job with this blog! I find that fan-run blogs do a much better job updating on a regular basis than official band websites, and yours is no exception. Keep up the good work. I've got your blog feed bookmarked in my browser. =)

  5. Huzzah, the Montreal gig is no longer imaginary. :D
