Sunday, August 2, 2009

Daily/Weekend Recap: Friday, July 31 / Saturday, August 1 & Sunday, August 2, 2009

Date: Friday, July 31 / Saturday, August 1 / Sunday, August 2

Energy In The Park (Munich) - Saturday, August 1


- Forgive me for missing the Friday recap. I went to go see La Roux. Surprisingly very good live, despite what the NME Franz/La Roux performance of ‘Call Me’ might suggest (sorry Franz).

- Considering this is three days condensed into one shining roundup... Really not that much happening. Sorry. When they open for Green Day, I’m expecting more. Americans love their internet media. Oh America. Land of the free. And land of the media. It's a land of a lot of things, apparently.


- Parades de Coura write up, photos, and a video. I can’t get the video to work (so I don’t know what it’s of), but I wish you the best of luck with it. (Portugese Source) [Google Translate.]


- An interview with Franz FerdinaRd! Points for whoever comes up with what the extra R stands for, because it beats me. It's an interview with Alex & Paul. Most of it's dubbed over in another language, but parts of it are understandable for those of us that aren't linguistically gifted. [Part One] [Part Two]


- None

Twitter Updates:

- Loitering in departures en route to munich via palma di mallorca. One more european show this summer then usa.

- Does man have a divining rod in his brain that leads him to the bathroom when dining in unfamiliar restaurants?

- Munich. This time last week we were in japan. This time next week, texas. Whit a kerry oan!


- Musilac Festival Photos (July 12). [See More.]

- A few from Paleo (July 22). [See More.]

- One of Alex from Paredes de Coura (July 30). [See More.]

Tour Dates:

- Just announced, Franz will be playing in Lisbon (Portugal) at Camp Pequeno on December 2nd. Tickets go on sale tomorrow (Monday, August 3) (source).

Andrew Knowles Update:

- Oh hey, Andy Fucking Knowles! (I miss Andy. Here he is performing with Killa Kella in Bangkok... There are a lot of words in that sentence that I never though I would have to put together.) [Watch It.]


- I know I said I wasn’t going to post Franz Ferdinand’s individual members’ own tweets, but I thought this one from Alex needed repeating:
“Bob just had an allergic reaction to a pretzel. He’s ok but he never wants to see another one ever again.”

... Oh no! ... Bob’s clearly hacked into Alex’s twitter account in an attempt to get us to believe this. Or not. But either way, pretzel quest ’09 continues.

Picture Of The Week:

So, people seemed generally happy with the idea of picture of the week (well, judging by the ... four or so responses I got). Every Sunday I’ll throw up a photo - it might be recent, it might be old, who knows. We’ll see (I’m clearly the most decisive person in the world).

This week, I’m starting with an old one. It’s actual my desktop background, and people always ask me if it’s a picture of a golf course when I’ve got windows up blocking the screen. Yes. I enjoy golf that much.

Click here for big!

This Week:

- Saturday, August 8 - Houston, Texas (Green Day Support)

- Sunday, August 9 - San Antonio, Texas (Green Day Support)


  1. Oooooh, what a lovely picture!
    They all look so suave. Bob's swagger is especially scrumptious!

    Thank you for this fantastic blog! I love finding so much meaty Franz goodness in one convenient blog :)

  2. Hi!
    The interview with Franz FerdinaRd you talk about is in spanish (I went to the concert that shows in the interview, and I've almost wet myself when I've discovered it xDD). I think the reason for that big R is...

    A) In the interview, Alex admits laughing that "Of all tones, I think Re minor is the saddest one". So, according to that, maybe they wanted to make a tribute to Re minor, the poor tone humiliated by a member of Franz FerdinaRd?
    B) They are stupid.
    Correct answer: B =)

    Well, I just wanted to tell you that I love the blog, the header, everything. Also, the picture of the week is FRANZTASTIC. So, thanks, and greetings from Spain!!!!

  3. Thanks for the comment Carla! Yay for organization. ;)

    And ha, Irantzu. I appreciate the reasoning. You can have... four points. You can redeem them for more points at a later date. Answer A seemed pretty logical, but it's hard to argue with B. Thank you for the comment!
