Monday, August 17, 2009

Daily/Weekend Recap: Friday, August 14 / Saturday, August 15 & Sunday, August 16

Date: Friday, August 14 / Saturday, August 15 / Sunday, August 16, 2009

Denver, Colorado (Saturday) & Salt Lake City, Utah (Sunday)


- Some reviews (mostly by fans), some photos (also mostly by fans), a radio/video/print interview, a couple of updates on twitter, blog posts, Bob being irresponsible, Bob getting old, and hey! A picture of the week.


- A review of Green Day/Franz from Salt Lake City (August 15). Even if they don't know the right name of 'No You Girls'... we can let that slide, right? [Read More.]

- Another fan review from Denver, Colorado (August 15)... looks like they might sell a couple more cds after all. [Read More.]

- A fan account of the Green Day/Franz show in San Antonio, Texas (August 9). It should be the third post down. [Read More.]

- A review of the 'What She Came For' remix ep. You can also download samples of the remixed tracks if you're interested. [Read More.]


- An Energy In The Park (August 1) interview with Nick and Bob. Magic girls are best girls. [Watch More.]

- An interview with Mr. Hardy. [Read More.]

- A recent (August 12) radio interview at 96.5 The Buzz with Alex and Paul. [Listen Here.]


- Franz Ferdinand & the Green Party? ... Well, not really, but the background song threw me. [Watch More.]

Twitter Updates:

- Tonight Matthew, Gary Jarman was Bob Hardy. And a fine job he did of it too.

- Tre Cool's been trying to freak us out by letting off pyro during our set. Damn those things are loud!


- A photo of Alex and a fan. And not like a wind propellor. But someone should photoshop that. Alex and his house of fans. His fan emporium, if you will. [See More.]

- A photo of Franz performing in Kansas City (August 12). [See More.]

- Back in June (the 22nd to be exact). A photo of their performance. [See More.]

- Fan photos of fake-Bob performing with Franz in Denver (August 15). [See More.]

- Another fan photo of fake-Bob performing. He looks real. Smells real... but no. It's not Bob (apparently Mr. Hardy watched the show via iChat. Isn't technology wonderful?) [See More.]

- Aw Nick (via the official website, 'Your Pictures' section). [See More.]

- Hey, look at the fancy amp. How fancy. [See More.]

- Via the blog, two photos from Nick that are on the questionable side of 'appropriate'. [One] [Two]


- Hey Bob! You ditched the band to go to a wedding in Perth. A wedding you 'FORGOT' you had to go to. The weekend of your birthday... How convenient. On Sunday, August 16 Mr. Hardy turned 29. Happy birthday Bob!

- Nick and Paul both have new blogs up. Nick's is entitled 'Racing' and I've posted the links to the two photos in the appropriate section (true story, the original title for Nick's photo was called 'The Pony1' but it's been changed now). Paul's is entitled 'Curiouser and curiouser' and it's about an interview he supposedly 'did', but didn't actually 'do'.

- Supposedly their set length for Green Day is a whopping 24 minutes... Haven't they performed a version of Lucid Dreams that's been longer?

Picture Of The Week:

- So I took this picture from some trashy Scottish tabloid that was talking about Bob's wedding ditch. Really, the best part of the article was this picture. Which I'd never seen before. So I'm assuming you haven't either. So here it is. The picture of the week. Looking all serious and stuff.

Click here for (sort of) big!

This Week:

Six more shows with Green Day before heading off to do a few North American festivals/some solo Canadian dates. Yay.

- Tuesday, August 18 - San Jose, California (Green Day Support)

- Thursday, August 20 - San Diego, California (Green Day Support)

- Friday, August 21 - Las Vegas, Nevada (Green Day Support)

- Saturday, August 22 - Phoenix, Arizona (Green Day Support)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Alex and his fans.
